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‘I love u so much.’ Meet Gabu’s handsome baby boy

Gabu has painted the picture of the P-unit guy who likes to joke around, however what you don’t know is that this man is a father.
Gabu has a cute toddler son whom he has kept away from social media. All we see him post is his music projects but when it comes to his family, he is very secretive but we do not blame him.  The internet can be a cruel place.
He posted a rare picture of him on social media and captioned:
I love u so much i want to cry😢😢😢😢😭😭😭
Gabu’s son was enjoying a day out swimming with his father. We do not know who the baby mama is but best believe with keep you updated.

Gabu has featured on the most trends a couple of times but only as the life of the party who does not pay his bills.
He has severally denied those claims.
In the past few months, he has gone underground but came back with a hit song under his solo projects featuring Tanzania’s Mboso.

The song has scooped a lot of views and now he is famous in Tanzania which has given him millage to gain fans from Tanzania.
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