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‘Pay child support’ Famous Kenyan DJ accused of not paying child support

DJ Xclusive

DJ Xclusive is being accused of being a dead beat father by a certain lady on his timeline who is asking him to pay for child support.
The lady who is unknown went straight to the point and asked:
when will start paying child support?
DJ Xclusive
Xclusive who recently bought himself a Mercedes for his 34th birthday responded with a phrase from Sauti Sol’s song Nerea, featuring Amos and Josh hit track.
mtoto hukuja na sahani yake (a child comes with their own plate)
The question had him laughing which looked like he found the whole situation funny.
We reached out to DJ Xclusive for a comment and he laughed denying those claims saying that he does not have a child.
no, I do not have a child 
He says that he is not dating anybody at the moment as he is waiting for God to send hin a wife.
i am single waiting on God to send in a wife.
DJ Xclusive
DJ Xclusive is one hilarious guy who is very vocal on social media when it comes to matters to do with Kenyans especially when it comes to the entertainment industry.

He is one of the celebrated DJ’s in Kenya who scoops a lot of events in a week. This is probably how he made it to gift himself a Mercedes.
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