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Armed Thugs Caught on CCTV Robbing Hardware Store [VIDEO]

A group of armed thugs were captured on camera as they robbed a hardware store in broad daylight.

The store has since been identified as Jack hardware located in Kondele area, Kisumu County.

In the video, a man in a reflector jacket is seen approaching the service counter at the store where his colleague can be seen fiddling with his phone.

They are soon joined by another man donning a motorcycle helmet and a fourth suspect dressed in casual overalls.

The man in the reflector jacket then takes up the position of the look-out as his 3 colleagues make their way to the restricted area at the back end of the store.

Back office footage then shows the 3 suspects ordering the shop attendant - a man and woman of Indian descent, to get on the floor by the gun-brandishing gang.
One of the suspects goes on to confiscate the phones of the victims before an altercation sees him assault the Indian man.

He goes on to ransack the place before hurriedly making his way out and linking up with his colleagues for what looked like a rushed exit.

It is not yet clear how much the thugs made away with following their daring hardware heist.

The four suspects were yet to be identified at the time of publishing.

Here is the shocking footage of the armed robbery:

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