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How Ex-MCA Colluded With 2 Men to Rape & Kill Wife

Details have emerged about former Riruta Member of the County Assembly Samuel Njoroge conspired with two other men to allegedly rape and murder his wife.

According to The Star, a witness, Rose Wambui, who was the aunt to the deceased, Lucy Njambi, told a court on Tuesday that she was called to Kiambu Hospital where Njambi had been admitted after she was found abandoned at a coffee plantation.

Wambui revealed that Njambi, who was at the casualty wing at the time, told her that Njoroge had gone back home to her and asked for food on the fateful day.

Njambi further revealed that a few minutes later, two other men appeared and forcefully pulled her into her husband's vehicle. They then drove to the coffee plantation where they allegedly raped her and left her for dead.

Former Riruta MCA Samuel Njoroge who was charged with Killing his wife.

Njoroge had earlier been charged alongside two others, Wilson Mwangi and Joyce Njambi, for murder in which they were accused of pouring acid on her body.

The incident reportedly took place on January, 24, 2018.

To corroborate the story, another witness, Benjamin Kiliba, had told the same court that before the incident took place, one of the suspects, Joyce Njambi, had approached him asking where she could purchase acid to clean her metals.

Since the witness had known Joyce for a while, he did not have a problem offering a solution and so he referred her to a shop along River Road in Nairobi.

Kiliba further revealed that he was later paid a Ksh 1,500 consultancy fee and the next thing he knew, Director of Criminal Investigations officers had called him to record a statement.

According to the prosecutor of the case, Lucy told friends and relatives before she died that her husband had plotted the acid attack.

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