A city preacher has explained why he urged thieves to visit his church in Kayole.
According to House of Hope Church’s Bishop Godfrey Migwi, the call-out was attract thieves so that he can assist them change their ways.
“It is better a thief to steal and run to the church than to steal and go to a witch doctor,” said the preacher.
“Just as Jesus sat and ate with Zacchaeus in the book of Mathew and ended up changing him, it is the role of us men of God to take on this challenge of changing these people.
“As a church, it is our role to make them see the evils in the work they do and seek repentance. I say this without any fear of contradiction, let them come to my church
“In my church, I welcome everyone, from thieves to prostitutes because I have seen God change others who were worse. That gives me the courage to say that when they come to my church I won't turn anyone away,” he said.