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Kenyans dismiss Itumbi's apology for lying about Rachel Ruto’s donations to Turkana

Dennis Itumbi attracted the ire of Kenyans on twitter after being exposed for lying about DP William Ruto’s wife Rachel Ruto’s donations to starving Kenyans.
On Wednesday, Itumbi shared photos of Rachel allegedly handing out food supplies targeting starving Kenyans in Turkana and Baringo Counties.

“A donation by Mama Rachel Ruto in aid of fellow Kenyans facing hunger in Turkana and Baringo drought,” Itumbi captioned the photo.
Itumbi's tweet.
However, keen-eyed Kenyans noted that the photos shared by Itumbi were the exact images shared by Rachel Ruto on April 2, 2014.
“Same clothes, same people, same truck, same venue, you can’t make this stuff up,” a social media user commented.
After being exposed, Itumbi took to twitter to apologize, but Kenyans are not buying it.

“I apologize for images I shared here earlier. Mama Rachel Ruto was not in Turkana I relied on unverified images.
“This was my mistake and I am sorry. I have since deleted them. May the record reflect the true position and my apology too. Jioni poa,” wrote Itumbi.
Lakini bro all this energy you have with other people’s business if harnessed well you can be useful to yourself! Sycophancy will not take you anywhere bro!
See Fredrick Kirui's other Tweets
Itumbi don't dance on people's graves for your stupid personal gains, u take Kenyans as fools just to score ur interests, play ur league well, we know ur the master of fake news. People are dying from hunger but ur making jokes out of it, the thunder is coming
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Ask him to post the "verified" pictures instead. Hakuna coz it never happened, PR stunts at what cost?
See Nawadei's other Tweets

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