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This Kamba LADY was having $EX with her husband’s brother in a hotel in Machakos then this happened - DRAMA

There is something about Kamba women and their insatiable appetite for sex.

This one was caught having sex with her husband’s brother in a hotel in Machakos.

It appears the husband was aware that she has been messing with his brother and sought the services of a witchdoctor.

Once she checked into the hotel with her husband’s brother and started doing their thing, things went south as the lady started showing signs of hysteria before becoming unconscious.

This sent the man to panic mode.

Sensing what was happening, he called his brother who arrived at the hotel shortly and confirmed his worst fears.

The woman was carried to a waiting vehicle and rushed to a nearby hospital in Athi River.

Meanwhile, a crowd had gathered outside the hotel to catch a glimpse of the Fisi who was caught pants down stealing from his own brother
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