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Husband busts cheating wife, chops lover’s manhood off

A man is recuperating at a hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania after his manhood was chopped off on Wednesday.
According to Global Publishers, the police reservist, identified only as Sebastian, was busted while engaging in a gland to gland combat with a married woman in Majengo, Tunduma, near the Zambian border.
Witnesses claim that the reservist 'lured' the woman from a shop that she ran in the area claiming that he did not carry money and that she should instead follow him to his house to get it.
The two, however, took long prompting the husband to mount a search.
Flanked by three men, he went to the man’s house and demanded answers. After busting him in the act, Sebastian was reportedly told to choose his punishment; to either have his leg or manhood chopped off.
“Walipomwambia achague adhabu akabaki kuwaomba msamaha, walipoona anashindwa kuchagua, wakaamua kumkata nyeti,” a witness told Global Publishers.
Chuki Kibaya, a neighbour, narrated that he found Sebastian writhing in pain while clutching his severed gland.
“Tulipofika Polisi tulitoa taarifa na baadaye kupatiwa fomu namba tatu ‘PF-3’ kwa ajili ya matibabu kisha tukampeleka hospitalini kupatiwa matibabu katika Kituo cha Afya cha Tunduma,” said the victim’s brother Lackson Mwazembe.
Area leader Kajambo Mwampanja has meanwhile cautioned residents against taking the law into their hands.
“Hadi sasa taratibu za kuwasiliana na Serikali ya Wilaya ya Nakonde kuwapata watuhumiwa zinafanyika licha ya kuwa bado majina yao hayajafahamika. lla viongozi wangu wa wilaya tayari nimewasiliana nao na wameniambia kuwa wanalishughulikia sakata hili,” said Mwampanja.
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