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Fresh details emerge over fake Ksh2 billion busted at Barclays Bank

Barclays Bank Queensway branch, where DCI is probing fake currency bust

New details have emerged linking the fake foreign currency busted at Barclays Bank to an international syndicate that sells fake gold.

Reports by the Daily Nation claim that the Ksh2 billion could have part of the fake gold which is believed to belong to one of the suspects in police custody.

The magnitude of the unraveling scandal has given the Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) George Kinoti sleepless nights with him asking journalists to give the agency time.

DCI Kinoti stated: “Be patient, this thing is very big. Give us time. We’ll update you with the information in due time.”

DCI at Barclays Bank

The DCI boss was at the bank earlier Wednesday for a meeting with senior managers, as part of the investigations on how the people were allocated a safe there.

According to reports, detectives are looking into how the bank with such a reputable standing could have clients storing such huge amounts of money without its knowledge.

Sleuths are looking into the involvement of employees from Barclays Bank, Queensway branch and they could be closing in on them in the next few days.

Evading detection

Police believe the suspects in custody had decided to store their fake gold and cash in a bank in order to evade exposure.

It's, however, important to note that the money was stored in a safe deposit box and banks do not have the mandate to ask clients what they have stored there.

Four suspects will appear before the court on Thursday over the Ksh2 billion. The four include the owner of the box, a man who posed as an investor and two women.
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