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Adorable photos of Kathy Kiuna’s grand kids that will make you go Aawww

Kathy-Kiunas-grand kids Mia and Mandy

Reverend Kathy Kiuna and her popular husband Bishop Allan Kiuna are proud grandparents and they are never shy to flaunt their grand kids.
The kiuna’s have two daughters Stephanie and Vanessa Kiuna.
Their first daughter Vanessa Kovac welcomed her first child  in September 2016.
Vanessa and her South African lover, Robert Kovac walked down the aisle in a beautiful and colorful wedding ceremony back in December 2015.

kathy kiuna

Yeeeeeeey. what a mighty god we serve, angels bow before him, heaven and earth adore him. He has done it again. blessed us with a second grandchild baby Amanda.

David was so blessed until he asked God “is this your usual way of dealing with man.” I can understand him now coz god has blessed us yafu yafu,” Kathy wrote in instagram

In 2017 Kiuna’s daughter Stephanie also welcomed her first baby, Nia Gizelle Kiuna.
Below are photos of Kiuna’s adorable grand kids Nia and Mandy
Kiuna’s daughter and grand daughter.
Baby Nia (In yellow) and baby Mandy

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Kathy KIuna’s son with his niece Nia

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