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7 Counties You Are Likely to Die of Dryspell

Kenyans are likely to have encounters with wildlife in the coming months due to the dry season according to the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS).

The body stated the dry spell being experienced in most parts of the country is displacing wildlife from their traditional habitat in search of pasture and water.

Several Counties have been experiencing incidences with the wild animals. They include; Narok, Taita Taveta, Laikipia, Kajiado, Meru, Marsabit and Lamu.

The Mau and Mt. Kenya areas have also been affected.

KWS stated it had enhanced surveillance to ensure the public is protected from the animals.

“Foot, vehicle and aerial patrols have been intensified to manage the situation,” KWS added.
The Wildlife service warned the public not to set fires close to protected areas as they would cross over into the protected areas and worsen the human-wildlife conflict.

This comes a few days after a teacher, John Matipei, was attacked by a hyena while fetching water in Kajiado County forcing him to bite off the animal.

“It was a matter of life and death and I had no weapon with me as it attacked,” he commented.

He was rushed at the Kajiado County hospital.

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