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Meet the lucky lady who survived both Westgate and Dusit attacks (photos)

After surviving a horrendous attack at Westgate Mall, the last thing Tracy Wanjiru expected was getting caught up in yet another horrific attack involving the Al-Shabaab militia group.

Wanjiru, 28, who worked as a hairdresser, recalled hearing gunshots and when she peeped through the window, she heard a loud bang.

She was so traumatised and what she could think at that time was how death had finally caught up with her.

Shortly after the explosion, Wanjiru remembered seeing "human body parts in the midst of fire flames flying in the air.”

“I jumped back to the salon, told my colleagues to be keen because we were under attack. They dismissed me at first but when they heard wails and screams, everyone went into hiding,” she told Nation Media.

She further disclosed that she used her experiences at the Westgate attack to come up with a plan to save herself.
She, therefore, alerted her social media connections.

“Someone help us out stack there is a bomb at 14 riverside drive…..pleasee..Call police,” she posted on Facebook.

In comparison, however, Wanjiru revealed that the Dusit attack was worse than that of Westgate as she was closer to the attackers this time around.

Tracy Wanjiru

At Westgate, she disclosed that the Al-Shabaab militants abruptly stormed the mall and immediately commenced hurling grenades to everyone.

She was six months pregnant at the time but was fairly located away from the scene of active crime at the mall.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting and shoes

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