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Violet Kemunto Escape Plan Before Dusit D2 Attack

The wife of a terrorist who coordinated Riverside attack started planning an escape days before the ambush was orchestrated.

Violet Kemunto Omwoyo wife to Ali Salim Gichunge sent her luggage by courier from Nairobi to Mandera town on the border between Kenya and Somalia.

She was to collect the luggage that included personal items such as clothes on Wednesday last week.

Police revealed Kemunto sent her belongings from Eastleigh but never showed up to collect them and her whereabouts remain unknown.

They were informed of the luggage by attendants at the courier service provider in Mandera town.

On Monday through her Facebook account she put up a post offering to sell household items citing she was moving out of Nairobi.
The items included Phat Farm loafers, a 49-inch smart TV, a seven-seater velvet sofa set, a rice cooker and a Ramtons two-door fridge.

She also left behind some luggage with her parent.

According to Standard, Kemunto met her mother days earlier in Ruai, Nairobi, and informed her they were to leave the city for an undisclosed place to celebrate their first marriage anniversary.

The couple played a key role in planning the attack and were being facilitated from Somalia.

They lived in house number E9 in Guango estate, a gated community in Mucatha, Ruaka, in Kiambu, since March 21, last year.
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