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Kenyatta University student loses her Mzungu boyfriend to the Dusit hotel incident

A Kenyatta University student Wsylovians Meli is in tears and regret after her boyfriend lost his life to the brutal hands of the terrorists in the Dusit hotel attack that took place on Tuesday.
Marcus Rodriguez was a 36 years old Canadian who met Meli in 2017 when he first came to Kenya from Australia.
He landed at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport at 8.40 pm on Sunday looking forward to meeting his girlfriend.
There was the question of where to stay for the two weeks and he insisted on booking a hotel in Karen but his girlfriend thought it was better if chose one close to the CBD since it would be easier for her to access it from town, and thus settled for Dusit D2 hotel.
It is at this hotel that terrorists stormed on Tuesday brutally leading to the death of 21 people including Marcus.
On the same day, Marcus had decided to go out swimming but for the second time, Meli had a contradicting idea.
She had received a call from him saying they had been attacked and that’s the last time she heard from him.
‘’I regret making him change his mind, he could be alive now. We planned to travel to Naivasha over the weekend, he is gone forever now without goodbye’’. Meli said amidst tears.
The third year student who is also a designer was amongst the hundreds of friends and relatives who had gone to the mortuary to identify the bodies of their loved ones.
She lost the love of her life, moments before they met.

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