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Fresh Details of Al Shabaab Terrorist's Wife

New details about the woman who was married to Ali Salim Gichunge, a suspect in the 14 Riverside terrorist attack, have surfaced.

Nation revealed that Violet Omwoyo Kemunto pursued a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) and graduated in 2015.

The woman who fondly referred to herself as the ‘Alshabaab bride’ had a boyfriend in the same class but she dumped him after graduating.

A close friend of the two revealed that they had planned to exchange vows but things did not work out between them.

Soon after graduating, Kemunto moved to Nairobi where she got a job at a phone shop.

Reports indicate that she got into a new relationship and went under the radar before resurfacing in 2018 when she announced her wedding, presumably with Gichunge.
The couple then rented a three-bedroom house in Guango Estate in Ruaka where they lived a quiet life.

Kemunto’s neighbours described her as a quiet woman who often wore a niqab. She rarely left their home unless she was in the company of Gichunge.

Police are said to be pursuing her in Somaila where she fled to after the 14 Riverside attack that left 21 people dead.

The couple's plan was that Kemunto would go to Somalia first and her husband would follow but that was not to be, since he was shot dead.
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