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Betty Kyallo’s reaction after being told that K24 is the most boring TV channel

Betty Kyallo (Instagram)

Betty Kyallo had a classy response after a fan commented that they don’t watch K4 TV as it’s the most boring TV channel in the country.

The fan was responding to Betty’s post where she urges fans to check out her up close moment with Jalang’o as it was trending at number 2 on YouTube.

“Have you watched it yet? My Upclose moment with @jalangoo ... If you haven’t its trending number 2 countrywide on YouTube meaning its great content. Do catch it!” Betty posted.

An Instagram follower then replied with “No k24 no not my tv I have never watched k24 is the most boring channel in Kenya.”


Betty then replied to the stinging comment with “Well at least you know it. And you follow me and I’m a K24 anchor. So😎.”

Fan calls K24 boring (Instagram)

Top Kenyan TV stations

While the fan may have been mean-spirited with his comment, it’s not untrue that K24 is not the cream of the crop in TV.

A 2018 ratings report by GeoPoll which monitors the media landscape in Kenya indicated that K24 was at number 5 when it came to the top 5 TV stations nationally in Q1 2018.

Citizen TV took the lion’s share followed by Betty’s former employer KTN, then NTV, KTN news and at number 5, K24.

Top 5 TV Stations in Audience Share

A February 2019 report showed that the situation was pretty much the same with K24 coming just above Maisha Magic East, KBC, Inooro TV and Kiss Tv. Hopefully with the addition of popular faces like Betty Kyallo and Fred Indimuli, K24 will rise up the ranks.

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