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A woman comes into a man's life for one of these six reasons


1. To tempt him
This lady is nothing but trouble, she comes with thrill and excitement that only leads to ruin. She will flirt with him, lead him to an affair, waste his time, cause him to mess up his future, his marriage, his responsibility as a father and his walk with God. She could be a married woman who teases him, on online friend, a work mate, the house help or an old connection. This kind of woman is a man's greatest threat and she is sexy and charming. A man should always be ready to stand guard against such. Don't flirt with temptation, the bruise and damage she causes takes years or a lifetime to undo. ​
2. To challenge him
This could either be a single lady that a single man pursues but can't have, a female colleague who works with a spirit of excellence, a female pastor, a female public figure, a female mentor or a competitor in business. This lady will directly or indirectly cause the man to step up. She will confront his negative masculinity, admire his positive masculinity, bring to his attention the areas he needs to grow, celebrate his success but let him know he can do more, keep him in check and model to him that a powerful woman is not a threat to a powerful man.

3. To use him
This kind of lady is selfish and manipulative. She will use her sex appeal and beauty to get what she wants then she is on to the next man. She will want relationship benefits but not commit to a relationship. Even when she does commit to a relationship with him, she will keep telling him he doesn't do enough for her. She will keep him on the edge testing him. He will find her entertaining other men. She will make him feel like she is not fully interested. It will always be all about her and then she dumps him when the convenience is gone. She uses him either for money, favors, social status, fame, to make her ex jealous or to pass time. This is the kind who drives the man crazy and makes some men contemplate suicide. She pits multiple men against each other and doesn't care for their emotions. She has destroyed the self-esteem and identity of many men, has drained their finances and is the reason why so many men think "Women are gold diggers". Gentlemen, when love is not mutual, it is not worth it.
4. To be a friend
This lady is like a sister from another mother. Him and her can joke, laugh, be there for each other, "bully" each other in a loving way, support each other and be happy for each other's professional life, romantic life and family life. She is the kind of friend to have long term. But he needs to maintain boundaries with her lest she makes his wife/woman jealous or uncomfortable.

5. To teach him love
This lady might date him, they might even plan a future together but their relationship will not last. She will bring to his attention how to treat a woman, how to communicate. She will help him realize that he actually can love a woman. She will bear the stress and drama of his issues as he grows to be a better man. She will cry because of him, get stressed because of him, all because he was not ready for a relationship but she will inspire him to do better. They will break up, either because he messes up or she messes up or they come to the conclusion that they are not meant to be together. The break up will be painful but after it, he will look back and reform. She is like the precursor before the real deal.

6. To be his wife
This lady will come into his life when he is ripe and ready for marriage and family. He will be grown enough to see her value, and responsible enough to protect her. Based on the journey he walked before she came, he will be better equipped and wiser to love her. She will bring out his greatness, be his companion and best friend. They will have such a strong bond. He will find himself safe and vulnerable with her. She will be his wife and bring out the husband in her. Intimacy will be special and he will walk with him towards fulfilling purpose. She is the woman who he will look at many years down the line and tell her "Thank God I found you".
© Dayan Masinde
In my new book, MANHOOD SERIES, I talk about the benefits of a man loving his woman and how it starts by the man loving himself. I talk about the responsibilities of a man to God, to himself, his family and society. Men are capable of loving.

In my other book, WOMANHOOD SERIES, I talk about how a woman can make wise relationship choices, how to inspire love in a man and how a woman carries so many blessings for herself and her man. I help women to understand themselves and the impact they have on others.
To purchase the MANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde, MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954, then text the word MAN and your email address to the same number and the book will be sent to your email address for you to download and read on your phone or computer.
To purchase the WOMANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde, MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954, then text the word WOMAN and your email address to the same number and the book will be sent to your email address for you to download and read on your phone or computer.

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