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Rare Video of Uhuru Dancing With Police Surfaces

Uhuru shows his dancing moves at a past event

A rare video of President Uhuru Kenyatta dancing with members of the National Police Service (NPS) has surfaced.
The undated video captures what appears to be a police pass out parade graced by the President, IG Joseph Boinnet and other police bosses.
A team from the police is seen entertaining the guests to the tune of David Kigomo‘s song Utuku wi Maguru (The night is unpredictable).

At the dais, the Head of State appears immersed in the music tapping his foot to the beat of the song.
Moments later, Uhuru who is donning his Commander in Chief (CinC) uniform steps down from the dais to join in the dance.
Going straight to the middle of the police service dancing team, Uhuru doesn’t as he quickly picks up the rhythm and dances his heart out.
Quoting from the book Ecclesiastes 3, Kigomo addresses the vanity of life with its riches and the fleeting nature of human existence.
“There will come a day when I will be gone forever, make good use of the time I am with you. Pay me visits, call me in the morning, inquire how I woke up, the night is unpredictable.
“Enquire how I have been since we were last together, people sleep never to wake up again. Only for you to receive a call that they are in the morgue and you cry in dismay,” Kigomo sings.
The busy itinerary and trappings of power rarely allow the President to show his social life although he has often shown a liking to mingle with Kenyans.
In July, photos emerged showing Uhuru playing golf at night in the company of his wife Margaret Kenyatta at Royal Club off Ngong Road in Nairobi.
Here is the video:
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