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11 reasons why your husband no longer finds you attractive nor wants to sleep with you


1. You have turned down his sexual advances several times and he is now bored and tired. You have discouraged his sexual excitement. If this is the case, it is now for you as the wife to patiently and consistently seduce him.
2. You stink. If you don't shower regularly, or your hair or armpits are not fresh or your breath not well-maintained; your husband will struggle to make love to you. If this is the case, make hygiene a daily practice. Make use of showers, perfumes, toothpastes and a change of hair and shampoo. ​
3. You are sexy but your attitude sticks. It doesn't matter how sexy your body is or how appealing your lingerie is; if you talk down at your husband, complain so much to him, keep looking for his faults or sneer at him with a reckless demeanor, he will struggle to even kiss you or be next to you.

4. You make fun of his manhood. If you ridicule him because he doesn't last long, or he doesn't get hard enough or for his circumcised or uncircumcised state you make him uncomfortable and self-conscious. Men are very sensitive about their penis. Praise his sexiness instead. The key to a man's sexual power is his mind.
5. You are distracted during love making. If during love making you introduce unrelated topics or you seem disinterested; he will be less bothered with making love to you.
6. You don't give him peace. If you don't make him relax because you keep placing demands on things he should do and accomplish in life, if you keep complaining and arguing with him and you often make him defensive; he will pull back and do as much as possible to avoid you. Learn to invite him by making him feel understood and calm him down.

7. He is stressed by money problems. Men who are going through financial challenges often find it difficult to enjoy sexual activity, especially when the wife is putting pressure on them. Lessen the pressure and he will turn to your pleasure to relieve his stress and assure you he is still thinking of you.
8. You are rigid. If you are the wife who is too careful during love-making, you only want one style and you keep saying things like "Your bones are poking me", "Turn down the lights first" he will be turned off. Stop being fussy. Relax.
9. He is flirting with another woman/women or having an affair. Affairs tend to distract a man to a point he is not interested in his wife. Unfortunately, a man who has an affair does it by choice, you are not to blame. If gentleman, you are having an affair, stop blaming your wife. Repent and focus on your marriage.

10. He has given up on himself. A man sometimes can sink so low that sex will not even be on his mind. This kind of man tends to be jobless or in a job he doesn't enjoy, or he is going through a deep loss. He isolates himself, doesn't talk much and sits by himself. He lacks the desire for anything including your body. This man needs you to believe in him, be patient with him and speak life into him. Befriend him, soon the sexual intimacy will return.
11. He is used to self-pleasure himself or watch pornography. If he is used to fantasy and imagination, he will pull back from you especially when he feels you don't connect with him sexually. If this is the case, love on him, please him and make him feel you are sexually connected. Seduce him out of the fantasy and into the real world. Be playful with him, have fun.
I address women more on their sexuality in my new book, WOMANHOOD SERIES. The men, I also engage them on their penis and sexuality in my other new book, MANHOOD SERIES.
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