Jacque Maribe’s release from prison has been met with sighs of relief but also some very naughty reactions.
This is because a large number of Kenyans believe that Itumbi will ‘get lucky’ for his fervent defence of Maribe.
Below are some reactions after Maribe’s release:
Seith Okeyo: This is the only chance bro. Take her on a cliff. Propose, get down on a knee like a gentleman. Take her left hand. Kiss it. Get the damn ring out. Propose. If she mentions Jowi, push her down the cliff. The gods will understand.
Onyango Ochieng Jr: Dennis Itumbi congratulations. Now, we say in Luo “When the LEFT hand washes the right hand; the RIGHT hand washes the LEFT hand.” Careful bro, don’t break her waist.
Franck Musundi: Bro its evident yesterday you removed cobwebs somewhere.... you even didn't wake up today to tweet about Pastor’s Moment. Pongezi.
David Nguyo: The night that was, pitia Magomano, supu tushalipa
Irene Tersy: Online in-laws we are here waiting Dennis Itumbi
Josephine Mulunde Kyumwa: Denis Dennis Itumbi your nights will never be lonely as ever again. Nimù Yreemù Any woman in this world would wish for a man like Dennis.... Every man has a lesson to learn from Dennis....Dennis Itumbi you are a mover and shaker! You have clearly taught our men to love truly and I bet you are the desire of every living, honest woman wanting an honest living man.......deep down, despite all comments we admire how tenacious and in charge you can be...(what you share with Jackie Maribe...avaiiii Njùe mùndùù.... tì gìchùku (embu read). I know this for sure...if I find one like you,I won't hesitate..i will say YES! And pray later.
Shivinza Wilson: Knight of the shining armor......the Mills n Boons I used to read in high school n Daniel steels are coming to life from prison.
The naughty reactions have been met with good humor by Itumbi who wrote “The Memes and one liners, still catching up on WhatsApp and Social media. Thanks for the laughter. We all need such breaks once in a while....Waaah, creativity on steroids! You are good people.....This update is so that msiseme oooh, 11 hour later...hahaa....well in guys!”