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Jowie Irungu spotted roaming in Prison Uniform

Joseph 'Jowie' Irungu admitted at Kenyatta National Hospital

Joseph Irungu alias Jowie, the key suspect in the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani, is admitted at the Kenyatta National Referral Hospital.
Irungu was taken in at KNH on Monday, November 12 and is set to undergo an operation on his left side of the chest where he has a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Citizen Digital has obtained an exclusive photo of Irungu taking a walk around the hospital gardens in grey prison uniform, crocs and his arm in a sling.
Three armed police officers stand guard nearby as the murder suspect takes a walk looking to be deep in thought.
Irungu remains in police custody after High Court judge Justice James Wakiaga denied him bail on grounds that he is a flight risk and could intimidate witness.
In his ruling on October 30, Justice Wakiaga, however, directed that the management at Industrial Area Remand Prison facilitate Irungu’s access to medical attention.
The mention of the case against Irungu and his co-accused Citizen TV journalist Jacque Maribe was set for November 27, 2018 while the hearing is scheduled to take place on June 18 -June 27,Joseph Irungu alias Jowie, the key suspect in the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani, is admitted at the Kenyatta National Referral Hospital.
Irungu was taken in at KNH on Monday, November 12 and is set to undergo an operation on his left side of the chest where he has a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Citizen Digital has obtained an exclusive photo of Irungu taking a walk around the hospital gardens in grey prison uniform, crocs and his arm in a sling.
Three armed police officers stand guard nearby as the murder suspect takes a walk looking to be deep in thought.
Irungu remains in police custody after High Court judge Justice James Wakiaga denied him bail on grounds that he is a flight risk and could intimidate witness.
In his ruling on October 30, Justice Wakiaga, however, directed that the management at Industrial Area Remand Prison facilitate Irungu’s access to medical attention.
The mention of the case against Irungu and his co-accused Citizen TV journalist Jacque Maribe was set for November 27, 2018 while the hearing is scheduled to take place on June 18 -June 27,

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