Dennis Itumbi, Jacque Maribe’s best friend is happy.
The Citizen TV’s presenter walked out of the prison gates at 6:55 pm after she was released at 6:38 pm. Itumbi has stood with Maribe through thick and thin and this can be evident from his social media posts.
Well, after Maribe left prison, Itumbi welcomed her back home with a sweet message, which read:
His followers flooded the comment section and below are some of the hilarious reactions:
Dolly Nimmo: Hii ndio ile siku the state’s commendation is needed, rarua tutashona

Gasheri Jasper Itumbi as i told you, propose tonight and marry her this coming Saturday
Muthoni Hellen: Jowie atakuwa mpenzi mtazamaji
Kamarei: Retire your Dryspell tonight brother. Motivation to most of us. Situations like such are never permanent
Jowdyjw: Itumbi has been very loyal to Maribe during those tough times. When she is finally released, nothing should come between them. Not even a condom. It should be eaten the way it’s served ama namna gani.
Fredyrashid:and itumbi will be driving towards Canaan anytime from now.Leo itabidi Waite ambulance..maombi tu
Onyango Ochieng Jr: Dennis Itumbi congratulations. Now, we say in Luo “When the LEFT hand washes the right hand; the RIGHT hand washes the LEFT hand. Careful bro, don’t break her waist…
Betty Maina: And thereafter they lived happily
Phoebe Njoki Dennis Itumbi I will tell you again.. you owe no one an explanation or an apology..
Lucy Waciek How do you live? Dennis Itumbi…. I want your peace of mind… With all this trolling and disrespect from the keyboard warriors.. How?… Weh mimi ningekuwa nimetoa tint na nikachange identity.
Mukurima Muriuki Godspeed Dennis. You are a good man. Embrace the critics, they will help you not become a demi-god. Above all, I hope this experience will make you explore ways of helping thousands of innocent Kenyans languishing in jails, tethered to their fate by the rope of corruption. Not many people have an Itumbi. Not many people can afford legal fees. Maybe this is the the wake up call we all need so we can start truly treating each other fairly.
Nic Ogange Time to get rewards for your lousy poems.
Damah Sherah Dennis Itumbi you’re a gentleman,a true boyfriend every woman wuld wish/love to have.Its rareto have such a great soul in this universe.May our almighty God reward you more for standing with our sis Jacque..
Jim Bonnie You can now “cum” back after a good job
Seith Okeyo This is the only chance bro. Take her on a cliff. Propose, get down on a knee like a gentleman. Take her left hand. Kiss it. Get the damn ring out. Propose. If she mentions Jowi, push her down the cliff. The gods will understand.
Nimù Yreemù Any woman in this world would wish for a man like Dennis….
Every man has a lesson to learn from Dennis. Dennis Itumbi you are a mover and shaker!!!..you have clearly taught our men to love truly and I bet you are the desire of every living, honest woman wanting an honest living man…….deep down, despite all comments we admire how tenacious and incharge you can be.
Every man has a lesson to learn from Dennis. Dennis Itumbi you are a mover and shaker!!!..you have clearly taught our men to love truly and I bet you are the desire of every living, honest woman wanting an honest living man…….deep down, despite all comments we admire how tenacious and incharge you can be.
Kogi Wa Kariuki Go thee and enjoy the fruits of your labour
Hon Muthumbi Which home? I thought her house is now a scene of crime?
Dennis Shikoli Did she drive from prison with your car? we know the Allion is in police custody as an exhibit.
Jacquie Migide I love this! True friendship!
Jacquie Migide I love this! True friendship!
M’mweti Jacob Amos Now you are going to be relieved back pain soon and very soon
Win Becky Freedom at last. Dennis Itumbi I have never met you in person but I was fighting for Jackie in prayers. You are a real friend to her. Am praying to hear good news from both of you..
Njogu Wa Nyagūthiī you truly love this girl, Dennis Itumbi it is not normal for a man to take any care of woman, it is only that I am not Jacki, if I were Jacki ningehama kwetu nikuje kwako na siwezi toka Ata, This is only true love I have witnessed.na Kama si true love basi kuna kitu ulihisi yenye mwanaume huhisi mpaka unaishi ukitamani mrudie kitendo
Njogu Wa Nyagūthiī you truly love this girl, Dennis Itumbi it is not normal for a man to take any care of woman, it is only that I am not Jacki, if I were Jacki ningehama kwetu nikuje kwako na siwezi toka Ata, This is only true love I have witnessed.na Kama si true love basi kuna kitu ulihisi yenye mwanaume huhisi mpaka unaishi ukitamani mrudie kitendo
Murimi Wa Nyaguthiî Its so so silly that most of us just see what is in betwn Jacques legs..there is true friendship and that’s all what our ladies wants…nkt
Wellington Wanyama But wanaume tuambiane ukweli. Actually most of us have had this Kagal that to totally swept you off your feet. The only woman you have ever loved an entire lifetime. Few of us get to settle with this kalady as mostly they dump us for some dude.Your ego and hurt get really crushed into pieces.But we men only have one shot at love and so she will always be the one you love.
Now try and imagine that girl in a mess created by the guy she probably dumped you for.
And you have the means to get her out of the mess and probably with it also revisit the lost escapades in the love you had. A chance to relive your fantasy. And experience a feeling you had missed so much.
Which man wouldn’t act the way Dennis did?
What am saying is there’s nothing virtually special in what Itumbi has done.
And Jackie should be human enough to reward this sacrifice by granting the poor dude his dreams.
In fact I hope as I write Dennis is being given his dues.
Now try and imagine that girl in a mess created by the guy she probably dumped you for.
And you have the means to get her out of the mess and probably with it also revisit the lost escapades in the love you had. A chance to relive your fantasy. And experience a feeling you had missed so much.
Which man wouldn’t act the way Dennis did?
What am saying is there’s nothing virtually special in what Itumbi has done.
And Jackie should be human enough to reward this sacrifice by granting the poor dude his dreams.
In fact I hope as I write Dennis is being given his dues.