Whwnever a skinny guy posts phoots on social media asking for compliments, you are likely to read comments such as the ones below.
Kamau Mwangi Gichia …ukienda home pitia VCT ni free
Tamia Sparsha Lawrence …Mbavu sita za njaa u mean my friend
Waziri Ahmedi …Kijana iyo ni githeri ya shule imekukausha ivo 

Nitakukumbuka kwa maombi
Nitakukumbuka kwa maombi
The remarks are BRUTAL right? Well here are 10 things girls who date skinny guys understand:
1. “God, he’s skinny. Are you feeding him enough?” is something you’ve heard so many times you can’t even count.
2. You’ve tried on his jeans … and they didn’t fit.
3. Am I gigantic or he is just tiny?!
4. When you want him to carry you but you know he can hardly lift paper.
5. Eating the exact same meal for dinner, except that he’s stuffed and you’re starving.
6. You sadly wonder if he thinks you’re fat.
7. He makes jokes about not being ripped, and you want to wrap him in a blanket and hold him forever.
8. He eats an entire pizza and doesn’t gain a pound.
9. You wind up carrying all the heavy stuff when you’re removing shopping bags together.
10. When you’re on top during s3x and you’re worried his lungs will collapse.