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Why DPP wants Maribe, Jowie denied bail in Monica Kimani murder case

Why DPP wants Maribe, Jowie denied bail in Monica Kimani murder case

The prosecution has asked the court not to grant Citizen TV journalist Jacque Maribe and her fiancé Joseph Irungu bail in a case where they are charged with the murder of Monica Kimani.

In an affidavit by Investigating Officer Maxwell Otieno, the prosecution claims that there is high probability that the two accused persons will interfere with ongoing investigations if released on bail.

The investigating officer further stated that Monica Kimani’s residence as well as that Ms. Maribe have been identified to be the primary and secondary crime scenes respectively, hence, the accused persons could tamper with the ongoing probe.

Mr. Otieno argues that investigations are ongoing to establish any amount of money that could have been taken from the deceased’s house, noting that the late Monica Kimani was to travel out of the country.

The documents filed in court further state that Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu has been positively identified as the person last seen in the company of Monica Kimani at her residence having used someone else’s identification card to gain entry into the compound.

It is the prosecution’s argument that Mr. Irungu has no fixed abode and is a frequent flyer and was residing at Ms. Maribe’s residence.

“There is a likelihood of the accused persons interfering and intimidating the key prosecution witnesses if released on bail and therefore justifiable to subject the accused to pretrial detention noting that some of the key witnesses are the house help, manager who was with them prior to the fatal incident and after, watchmen and other key witnesses,” reads the affidavit.

The prosecution also argues that Ms. Maribe, being a media personality associated with persons of influence, if released on bail and bond there is a high possibility that she will threaten or intimidate the key prosecution witness.

“If the accused person are released they will disturb public order , undermine public peace or security and detention may be necessary to preserve public peace and protect the accused persons,” claims the investigating Officer.

The officer further claimed that the investigation will be done beyond the Kenyan territory.

DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely To citizentv.co.ke, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post.

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