Getting over a breakup is so hard. This has led to many people from Kisii doing the unexpected by committing suicide since they cannot contain breakups. However, life must move on without that lover who dumped you or with her.
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It is all about determination and making the right choice. If you really want to move on, you must be determined to move on or else, the effects of the heartbreak will make your life miserable. I have analysed key points with which if followed, residents of Kisii region can get over the breakup and move on.
1. Accepting the breakup
Acknowledge what has happened and face the bull by the horns. Know that she is gone and nothing can bring her back to you. Cry if you can as this relieves you of the tension created inside. Talk about it loudly, as this will help reduce the pain in your heart.
2. Burn all the bridges
You cannot forget someone if you still have the things that make you remember her. Stop listening to some specific songs she loved, stop watching love movies for a while. Hide her photos if you cannot burn them. This way, forgetting her will be hastened.
3. Pursue your career
There is this thing you wanted to do. There is this passion you had, about pursuing a certain career. After the breakup, engage yourself in the career. Make yourself busy.
4. Avoid falling into another relationship
Give it time. In the process, your heart will heal and fall in love again. Immediately after the breakup, try making new friends. Going out for movies. Attending public functions to make you preoccupied.
5. Forgive and forget
Lastly, you do not need to go and tell her she is forgiven. Just forgive her in your heart knowing human beings can make mistakes too. This will make you relieved and forget about her.