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MUNASEMANGA MUTI ONA HII:Kenyan Man Undergoes Surgery To Reduce One Metre Penis

A man has revealed he finally feels ‘free’ after having a life-changing surgery to reduce his 11lb testicles and a three-foot penis that left him unable to walk, wear clothes or go to school.Horace Owiti Opiyo, 20, from Kibigori, Kenya, first noticed a cyst on his genitals when he was just 10 years old.It is thought to have been caused by a mosquito bite releasing larvae that developed into parasitic worms that blocked Mr Opiyo’s drainage system, resulting in his genitalia tissue swelling as fluid accumulated beneath the skin.
Teased by his classmates and unable to afford surgery, Mr Opiyo dropped out of school and became a recluse, convinced the devil had cursed him.
Yet, after a viral post on Facebook reached a local doctor, Mr Opiyo was finally able to have surgery to remove his massive growth.
It is thought to have been caused by a mosquito bite releasing larvae that developed into parasitic worms that blocked Mr Opiyo’s drainage system, resulting in his genitalia tissue swelling as fluid accumulated beneath the skin.
ow I’m free!’ 
Speaking about the operation, Mr Opiyo said: ‘When I got up I was surprised that my body was so light. All the heaviness had gone.
‘Who knows what will happen in the future?’
‘I knew this was not God’s work, but the devil’s’
Mr Opiyo first noticed a cyst on his genitals when he was just 10 years old.
He said: ‘This thing started very small, like a boil. Then it was the size of my fist.
An initial procedure removed the growth in 2007, however, the problem re-emerged years later.
Mr Opiyo eventually had to drop out of school because his testicles grew so large he could barely walk or wear clothes.
His classmates teased him and, unable to afford any more surgery, Mr Opiyo began spending increasingly more time at the home he shared with his brother Eliza and elderly grandmother, Salina. His parents died when he was five.
Mr Opiyo said: ‘I told my grandmother that I have been infected by a disease, but I’m not sure what it is. It could be a curse. I knew this was not God’s work, but the devil’s.

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