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7 tribes in kenya known to satisfy their women,Ladies get married to one of these you wont regret it!

A while back a study was done which ranked average penis sizes per country worldwide and Kenyan Men came in at number 41, which got me and my friends  to talking  and brainstorming about if we were to rank our own South African Men’s average penis size per tribe, which tribe would come out tops? Since we couldn’t do like a fully fledged research I decided to give each and every one of my female friends, relative and colleague a task to go back into their history books and also ask their female associates to do the same too and tell me which tribe has the D and which one has the d. I also asked a lot of females for feedback on all social networks like Facebook, twitter and the likes and here is what I came across:
1. LUHYA Men
Most females and I included can confirm that this naturally tanned up brothers from the north got arms for days and rumour has it that it’s connected to a tree from birth, so the more the tree grows the bigger the P-nis and they also have their own Viagra called Mpesu, so if you’re like Kelly Rowland and them and don’t want to feel your legs afterwards, this is your motivation.
2. LUO Men
Another chocolatier from the north, even though I haven’t had an encounter with a LUO Men before, my research results show that they cum in well armed as well and they prefer big families.
3. KISII Men
Now these egoistical brothers are not just well endowed, most of them are fine and they got a big ego but is fine because the can back it up. They say it takes a certain type of women to handle this tribe and I tried back in the days but I had to let it go for my sanity’s sake, but one thing I know for sure is that they know how to take good care of a women but the tricky part is to find the right KISII Men.
4. Maasai Men
4, I personally think that Kamba Men were supposed to be at number 4 since the ones I’ve been with held their own but the results from my research proved me otherwise, plus some women complained about the excess skin down there on most kamba Men, so number 4 will go to our legendary Maasai Men.
5. Kalenjin Men
Looking at my research’s results, it seems like almost every female has once dated a Kale guy and I think is due to the fact that the kalenjine tribe is among the Majority in Kenya but one of the main reason they’re at number 5 is because the ladies say there Is no consistency when it comes to this tribe, you might get a D from your first kale guy and then get a d from the next one. Consistency or no consistency, kale Men are G’s.
6. kamba and kikuyu Men
According to most females, the Men from this two tribes are very romantic, loyal and averagely packaged.
7. Mijikenda and Teso Men
Another tribe that has Men who knows how to take care of their women, but according to my research it seems like this tribe consist of a lot of fine light skinned brothers and the ladies in my research stand behind the well known myth that most light skinned Men have the d, but overall this is good people right here.

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