Migori Governor Okoth Obado on Friday filed a fresh application at the High Court following his hospitalization at the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH).
Governor Obado asked the court to grant his release citing a severe back problem that is troubling him.
In court papers, the governor revealed that he has had a condition termed as a nerve compression with disc lesion on the lumbar spine since 2013.
"To manage the condition, I have been under the special care of a medical doctor by the name of Prof. Ating’a," the court papers read in part.

According to the governor, the condition has been made worse by his detention since he has not been able to attend his appointments with his doctors.
He further explained that the complication led to his sudden hospitalization on September 29, 2018.
"I was subsequently admitted at Kenyatta National Hospital as an inpatient and my condition has not improved since then," the governor narrated in the application.
Governor Obado's application goes on to read that he has a Constitutional right to be released since the charge of murder is bailable.
He added that he has cooperated with authorities throughout, which he claims merited consideration from the court.
"Neither the victims, witnesses or investigators have deposed to having been threatened or unduly influenced by the accused with a view of interfering with investigations and the conduct of the case.
"Every bit of investigations of this matter has been exposed to the media and public who have convicted and punished me by public ridicule, humiliation and embarrassment.
"To this, I have not reciprocated in kind; but instead, I chose to remain mum respecting the investigation, prosecution and judicial institutions so as not to prejudice the process," the court papers read.

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