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Obado's wife issues powerful message after husband’s release


Hellen Obado, wife to troubled Migori Governor Okoth Obado is a happy woman after her husband walked to freedom on the morning of Wednesday October 24.

Hellen, a staunch Christian fondly referred to as Mama Kanisa, could not hide her joy as she hugged the father of her children outside Milimani Law Courts and to cap it all, she resorted to the teachings on faith amidst tribulations.

"Everything is possible for one who believes. I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'move from here to there', and it would move. Nothing would be impossible- Mathew 17:20," she posted on her Facebook page.

Lady Justice Jessie Lessit released Obado on a KSh 5 million cash bail after spending a month in Industrial Area Remand Prison.

The governor was detained in connection with the gruesome murder of his ex-lover, Sharon Otieno, and her unborn baby.

His co-accused Michael Oyamo and Caspal Obiero were, however, driven back to the cell awaiting a pre-trial conference slated for February 14, 2019.

The court directed Obado not to go anywhere within 20km of Migori county boundary and to report to the investigating agencies weekly.

The county chief too was ordered not to discuss the case in a political meeting or private gathering.

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