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10 types of women who will cheat on you

With female infidelity now at an all time high, more and more men who are married, or in committed relationships are asking themselves this question about their spouse of significant other. Below are 18 categories of women who are more likely to cheat on their spouse.
1. She has lots of close male friends “A significant number of affairs begin as close friendships with members of the opposite sex. The relationship may be platonic at the beginning, but chances are, it won’t stay that way. The closer the woman is to her platonic male friend, the more likely it is that he will eventually end up becoming her lover unless he’s gay.
2. She has girlfriends who are cheating on their mates. Never underestimate the power of peer pressure. Adults are susceptible to it, too. If a woman has one or more close female friends who are cheating on their husbands or boyfriends, she may eventually start cheating, too.
3. She has an excessive need for attention. A woman who constantly craves attention may cheat on her mate if she feels she’s not getting enough attention from him. She will be easy prey for any man who showers with her the attention she feels she deserves.
4. . She’s materialistic. A materialistic woman is likely to have an affair with a wealthy man because of the material things he can provide. She can easily be seduced with jewelry, designer clothes, lavish vacations, or the cash to buy these and other expensive things.
5. She views sex as a statement of her femininity. Her identity as a woman is tied to how many men she sleeps with. Seducing men to sleep with her is the focal point of her life. With this mental attitude, it’s hard for her to stay faithful to just one man.

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