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Aaaw! This message from Kambua’s husband will make your heart melt

Kambua and husband

The news of Kambua’s pregnancy has been celebrated by many. Even her husband Jackson Mathu who is very private was not shy to flaunt his excitement.
Here is his message to the love of his life.
Kambua’s message from her hubby
Here are encouragement messages from her fans.
alicekamande: Ooh dear! 😭😭 God is amazing. He surely is amazing. In his time, he makes all things beautiful. He is not a man that he should lie. Looking so lovely siz 😍
fredyrashid: Congratulations mummy!!
sowairina: Look at the Gorgeous Mama🧡Congratulations once again Sweety😘
blessednjugush: Congratulations. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭bless you.
aminaabdirabar: This is such wonderful news!! Congratulations 🎉🎈
revkathykiuna: Aririririririririririririririririri with the loudest voice. Jehovah reigns. He alone is worthy of praise. Ewooooooooo. I’m jumping right
ciikuwasoxxy: In His time, he makes everything beautiful. And look at you.. Congratulations mummy!!
jackyvike:😫😫😫 Gorgeous!!! Welcome to Motherhood Hun, sooo happy for you ❤️❤️❤️😘
alekyemumo: See God… aaahaaa 🥳🥳🥳 Mwiyai ataiwe. Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉
caroline.mutoko: Yaaasssss!! ❤❤❤❤💃💃💃💃
lilmuli: Yay….congratulations beautiful I’m so Happy for you
millywajesus: This is soooooo lovely thank you, Jesus,🤗🤗
_lynn_iryn: Haters gather here and see how God ashames people like you 😐💪
Here are the other celebrities who have celebrated Kambua’s pregnancy.
Kambua pregnancyKambua pregnancyKambua pregnancyKambua pregnancyKambua pregnancyKambua pregnancyKambua pregnancyKambua pregnancyKambua pregnancy
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