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After watching what married men go through, Maina Kageni declares he is not getting married anytime soon.

Maina and King'ang'i

Love is a beautiful thing, and so is marriage. However, given the kind of drama going on in marriages nowadays, Maina Kageni for one is not boarding.
The classic FM presenter is not married, he has never been. He is always talking about marriage and relationships and marriages in their morning show with King’ang’i but today, King’ang’i asked him to stop judging married men because he has never been in that position.
Maina Kageni
In response, Maina told his co-host that after seeing what married men go through in their marriages he is not going to get married anytime soon despite the pressure he receives from people.

“From what you keep telling me do you think I will get married? I see the hell you are all going through. One of these days we should actually discuss what the real importance of marriage is.” he shared.
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