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Identity of late MONICA’s SPONSOR revealed, he’s a 70 yr old elderly and wealthy mzee (PHOTO)

She was flying out of the Country for lavish vacations and partying in high end clubs.

On her facebook page, she lived a high end life like a socialite.
Monica’s source of wealth remained a mystery amongst her friends.

She used to say that she runs businesses in South Sudan but nobody knew the type of businesses that she used to do.

It has now emerged that Monica was doing dirty business of money laundering and had an affair with a senior Government official in South Sudan.

The identity of the elderly man who was financing her lavish lifestyle has also been revealed.

His name is Daniel Awek Akot, the current Deputy Speaker of South Sudan and a former renowned general in the Military.

Monica used to warm the bed of the 70 yr old Deputy speaker and in return, he financed her lavish life.

She also used the cover of the Deputy Speaker to sneak in huge amount of the money in the Country and engage in other dirty businesses.

Being a former secretary at Kenyan embassy in Sudan, she could use her connection to do dirty business without being caught.

It’s alleged that when Monica jetted into the Country from South Sudan, she had a lot of money.

Jowi, the main suspect in the murder, is alleged to have stolen the money from her apartment after killing her.

Detectives who arrived at the crime scene said that they found the house in a mess, indicating the person who killed her was looking for something.

Here’s a photo of late Monica’s sponsor, Daniel Awek Akot, the current Deputy Speaker of South Sudan.

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