Residents of Miuine Kamaringa in Igembe North are in shock after a goat gave birth to a strange billy goat.
The young one was born with a head that resembled an elephant.
Locals flocked the owner’s home, just to marvel at the weird young one although the goat’s owner, Mugambi Nabea, tried to bar them from accessing his compound.
One resident said it was an uphill task for them to access the compound and view the animal after the owner hid the kid.
By the time they viewed it, the kid was already dead. They tried to feed the carcass to a dog but the dog refused to eat.
This comes barely a month after an incident of a cow killing a lion in Igembe North.
The community members appealed to clan elders in the Ameru clan to intervene and advise on the next move, as they believe that this might be a curse.