Nyce Wanjeri has had a wonderful start of the year with the actress revealing that her acting gig on Ithaga Riene had been a resounding success.
The former Auntie Boss actress said that acting in her own mother tongue while great was also a bit challenging, telling me,
“The year is wonderful, it’s awesome and I like it because it is my language. It is not easy.” She added that many native Kikuyu speakers of an older demographic were quite appreciative of the work she was doing.

“Once they see you act in Kikuyu, they forget even they saw you in other groups. They appreciate the work I am doing and to them, they feel entertained.
And how had the year 2019 gone for her? She said that hadn’t even achieved even a quarter of what she wanted last year. “Careerwise I wanted to feature in a lot of music but at least I achieved a lot in personal issues,” she confessed.

The actress had in the past admitted that going home had become tough for her, but has since stated that she is now enjoying it a lot. What had changed? “Those who are close to me know what I am talking about and they are happy for me,” she cagily answered.
And how was her relationship with the father of her only child since their break-up? “We don’t communicate and I am happy like that. Let him stay with his own life and I with mine,” she replied.

Didn’t she feel that would affect her daughter negatively in the future? “My baby is fine. There are other father figures like my brothers and others. I have people who are there to mould her life as a father figure.”