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Grief and shock as Machakos family loses all adult children within 11 days

A family in Vota, Machakos County is still reeling with shock after losing all their three adult children in a span of 11 days.

This is after two of the siblings, Rex and Feaven, perished in a road accident on Mombasa Road days after their elder brother, Larry, was buried.

Speaking to K24 Digital on Thursday, a close friend of the family said the parents are devastated following the unthinkable loss.

“The family first lost their first-born, Larry, in a mysterious death on February 6. He just slept and never woke up the next day. Although a forensic investigation was conducted, the cause of death remains unclear,” said the close family friend.

On Saturday, February 15, friends and family gathered at the family’s Vota home for the burial of the eldest son and little did they know another tragedy would strike the family.

“On Monday, February 17, we received more devastating news about the death of the remaining two siblings. On that fateful day, Rex and Feaven went to buy food at Machakos from Vota home. They were joined by three others; a cousin, the parent’s farm manager and a friend. On their way back, they used a different route and were involved in a head-on collision on Mombasa Road as another vehicle tried to overtake. The two siblings and a cousin died on the spot,” said the close family friend.

The other two occupants who were in the vehicle were taken to the hospital where one was treated and discharged.

The siblings’ bodies were taken to Montezuma Monalisa Funeral Home in Machakos ahead of burial scheduled for Saturday 29, in Vota.

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