Kenyan men have already started driving towards the venue of the Men’s Conference 2020 to the disappointment of many women who will be celebrating Valentine’s Day alone.
Here are some of the things being discussed.
1- How to avoid being duped by slay queens into sending fare.
2- How to avoid being a softie by doing things like showing PDA (public display of affection).
3- Learning how to differentiate between love and kukaliwa chapati.
Annoying things men do before and after pekejeng (List)

4. How to learn how to deal with a woman’s tantrums without turning physical.
5. How to effectively spend time with your boys without your wife getting mad at you.
6. How to ‘smell’ trouble when arguing with your wife and how to decipher these statements: ‘sawa’ ‘ fanya vile unataka’ ‘ Niko sawa’ among others.
In most instances, they do not mean what you think they do.
6. Men are also being taught on how to avoid being caught cheating, most are poor in hiding their cheating ways.
7. Men with baby mamas are also being taught how to co-exist.
Only to send child support to women who allow them to see their kids.
8. Flowers are for bees.
Women should not be expecting flowers because flowers are only meant for bees as they use them for pollination.
9. How to find things like socks, vests, boxers without the help of your wife.
10. The basic differences between your mother and partner.