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Kenyan men sign a petition compelling Sam Shollei to be a key speaker in the much anticipated Men’s conference

Former Standard Group Managing Director Sam Shollei is now being compelled by men all over the country to be part of the much-anticipated Men’s conference that will be held on February 14.

Sam Shollei has caught the attention of social media users a day after Uasin Gishu County Women Representative and former Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Gladys Boss Shollei divorced him.

In a petition that is termed as Meandering Wisely Ki El Sam Shollei, men across the nation have been asked to drum support and compel Sam Shollei to share marriage tactics with the young generation.

Here is the link to the petition:

Sam Shollei successfully eloped with a junior employee and even had a traditional marriage ceremony which was witnessed by their family and friends in Uasin Gishu.
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