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It’s A Lie!Donkey Penis ni wewe!!!! David Mutiso Did Not Design KICC [Evidence]

Recently, sections of the media have been reporting that one David Mutiso designed Kenyatta International Convention Centre, inspired by the looks of a donkey’s penis.
This is not true. Since it was designed and built to completion,the designer has been known to be the Norwegian Karl Henrik Nøstvik. A simple google search proves so, as illustrated below.
A simple Google Search of ‘KICC designer’ brings the name Karl Henrik Nøstvik
A part from the information in the public domain, the actual design does not bear the name of David Mutiso whatsoever, as required that any architect should have a name on his drawings. Instead, the drawings bear the name of Karl Henrik Nøstvik.

In this design, the name of Karl Henrik Nøstvik is written on the block as the actual designer

The design of KICC
Construction of the building was commissioned by Mzee Jomo Kenyatta in 1967. The construction was carried out by contractors Solel Boneh & Factah and was done in three phases. Phase I was the construction of the podium, Phase II consisted of the main tower and Phase III involved the Plenary. Construction was completed in 1973, with the opening ceremony occurring in September 1973 presided over by President Kenyatta.
In the opening ceremony, President Kenyatta congratulated Nøstvik for his design work, instead of Mutiso who claims that he worked directly with Kenyatta. It is next to impossible for the Head of State to commend the wrong person for such a project.
During the interview with a local TV station, Mutiso does not produce any papers or evidence to prove that he actually designed the iconic building, and the journalist does not ask for any. A negligence of duty?
Mzee Jomo Kenyatta congratulates Nøstvik during the opening ceremony of KICC
KICC currently stands as the sixth tallest building in Kenya, reaching a height of just over 105 metres.
Here’s Mutiso’s interview with Citizen TV, judge for yourself.

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