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Sonko’s end-year message to Kenyans


Watu wangu allow me to inspire you for a few minutes. I don’t know about you but the year is not yet over! I said, the year is not yet over.

I know that we are just a few hours from 2020 the New Year and we are about to step over onto a brand new path forward in this – hoping to revisit some old territories and looking forward to discovering new ones, and to initiate brand new plans of what we want God to do for us - we are hoping for some exciting and blessed times in the year to come. But this year is not yet over...

I want you to know that you can expect everything that is in line with the will of God... And if you don’t get that healing or if no one stops by this town and gives you 10,000 don’t think that this 2019 year will end in failure.

But if you would just recommit yourselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and renounce all of your setbacks of this year, a great miracle will take place in your soul and in your life.

The year is not yet over! Year endings can be trying times – times of uncertainty. But you can make it a time of resolve for a brand new start...

It is always said that every year carries its number, meaning lots of folk’ die at the end of the year.

And since we are all still here we can inquire of the Lord for a last-minute miracle. Hallelujah

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