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Police officer kidnaps two-year-old son,escapes after demanding wife's M-Pesa pin

Siaya: Armed police officer disappears with son after demanding wife's M-Pesa pinKenyan police officers. A Siaya police officer forced his wife to reveal her Mpesa PIN to him. Photo: National Police Service.
Source: Facebook

An armed police officer is on the run with his two-year-old son after threatening and coercing his wife to reveal her Mpesa pin to him.

Kevin Ndeda, an officer based in Aram Police Station in Rarieda, Siaya county, threatened to kill his wife Christabel Simbiri, also a police officer, if she failed to disclose her M-Pesa pin.

According to a police report, the wife surrendered the code to her violent spouse and managed to call a colleague identified as Joseph Juma. He was intimidated by the perpetrator since he warned that he would pull the trigger.

"Juma found Ndeda in the house holding an AK47 and warned that he could do anything.

"The office then went to seek reinforcement and on coming back the suspect had already disappeared with his two-year-old son Andykins Ndeda," the report read in part

Confirming the incident, Siaya OCS Fridah Karegi said they have launched a manhunt for the culprit to arrest and disarm him.

"Efforts to arrest and disarm the said officer are underway," she said.

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