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Police claim to have seen CCTV video of Judge’s last moments, caretaker says footage does not exist

Police, caretaker offer contradictory information on CCTV footage of deceased Court of Appeal Judge Otieno Odek's last moments

Investigations surrounding the mysterious death of Court of Appeal judge Justice Prof Otieno Odek have taken a new twist after Police officers and investigators probing the matter were caught up in an embarrassing contradiction with the caretaker of the apartment where the deceased was staying.

Nyanza Regional Criminal Investigations Officer, James Kipsoi was quoted by the press indicating that his officers had reviewed the footage at Groove Apartment where Justice Odek was staying at the time of his death.

Kipsoi went as far as claiming that a review of the footage did not show anything suspicious.

Journalists proceeded to follow up the matter with the caretaker at Groove Apartments, William Nyandara, with a view of having their own look at the CCTV footage.

To the surprise of members of the press, Nyandara confirmed that there was no such footage as the building’s CCTV system had been dysfunctional for the the past week.

Nyandara said he had last week informed the building’s manager of the hiccup and requested the maintenance crew to be transported from Nairobi to correct the anomaly.

The caretaker added that when detectives asked for the footage on Monday after Odek’s body was discovered, he realized that the system was still dysfunctional – contradicting the detectives who claimed to have seen the footage.

The family of the late judge is working with police to set a date for a post-mortem which is expected to shed more light on the circumstances surrounding his death.

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