Brigit Chichi could never be more proud of being a nurse after a patient she once took care of offered to do her monthly shopping after running into her in a local supermarket.
Chichi was in the retailer not to buy anything as many of us do in the stores, but to window shop since she was broke as she has not received her salary for the past eight months.
Speaking to us, the lady said she currently works in a county hospital after leaving Kisumu Specialist where she had attended to the lady.
"I was just window shopping, thinking of what to buy after hopefully getting my salary soon then I heard someone shouting 'sister wa specialist! sister wa specialist!' At first I did not know she was talking to me.
"But she came to me and thanked me for taking care of her when I was a nurse at Kisumu Specialist. She looked at my small trolley which only had spaghetti and diapers and told me to put it down and get a bigger trolley," Chichi narrated.
The woman, who the nurse even forgot to ask her name, asked her to pick anything she wanted from the supermarket.
She was both confused and happy and began taking items from the shelves hesitantly, careful not to surpass her former patient's budget.
"She noticed I was picking the things timidly and asked me to pick everything at its maximum capacity without fear, and she spent KSh 15,000 on me," the nurse said.
Miracles are not just the humongous events that happened in the ancient biblical times but Chichi described her experience as a miracle since everything she was desiring while window shopping was now in her trolley ready to go home with her.
"I seriously could not believe it. Whoever said tenda wema nenda zako ( do good and just go your way) was absolutely right. Some acts of kindness just come back to you in huge proportions," she said.
And it gets better. The woman left the nurse her business card and asked her to call in the future should she want to go shopping again.
"I took care of her, I even forgot her name, which I will surely check in the hospital records, but I am glad she appreciated my work," an excited Chichi said.layer with friends