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Woman last seen with husband found dead, breast chopped off

Woman last seen with husband found dead, breast chopped off

The body of a 25-year-old woman who was last seen with her estranged husband on Sunday last week has been found in Nakuru.

Faith Wangui was last reported to have gone to visit her estranged lover, Joseph Muchiri, in an attempt to mend fences.

Her body was discovered dumped at the Menengai Crater and her estranged lover, who is now the key suspect in the murder, is presently on the run.

The mother of two young girls left her work station in Murang’a on Saturday last week to take her children to their aunt’s place in Nakuru for the December holidays.

She was to travel back Sunday but made last-minute changes.

On that day, Wangui sent her childhood friend a message indicating that she had gone to meet Muchiri at an entertainment joint in Nakuru Town.

This was the last time she was seen alive before her body was six days later discovered at the Menegai Crater.

Her left hand and breast were chopped off, her face doused in what is suspected to be acid.

The victim’s family now claims Muchiri, who is in his late 20s, has been abusive for the past 6 years, adding that this prompted Wangui to leave his house late last year.

“Their marriage has not been straight for long, the guy was a threat. For the last six years that they have been together, the marriage was hell. Once when she gave birth and the child was two weeks old, he beat her up badly,” said her brother Joseph Mwangi.

Wangui is survived by two children aged 6 and 2 with the family now seeking justice for the young family.

Police say they have commenced investigations even as Muchiri remains at large.

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