Tedd Josiah has been very vocal when it comes to expressing himself and the loss of his wife.
He has let his followers into his life and his daughter’s life just so he can be a lesson to people on how to be a single father.

Grief is not easy and Tedd tried to help anyone on his timeline going through it. It does not have a specific time when it will end he says.
What is grief like? Well it’s like the waves of an ocean sometimes they are high sometimes low but ur guaranteed they will hit. What causes them? Memories, jolts of confusion, uncertainty and moments of self-doubt all play roles in this. How long does it take to heal? U don’t heal u just learn to walk with the limp.
Tedd recalls the day he lost his wife and best friend and all that went through his mind at that time.
“Friday 7:30pm dinner at home with mama and JayJay she’d cooked rice and chicken and was happy beyond words… then a movie…. as JayJay slept between us on the couch.
After the film we went to bed and she’d talked right thru the movie!!!!
3am as she breast fed she complained that heat head hurt, took meds and threw them up. So we dashed to hospitaland she fell asleep and never woke up again.
5am JayJay and i sat in my car confused lost and alone…. she’d just gone like that.
No child should ever be without a mother! NO CHILD!!!
My friend u were magic, rest cause every Friday it plays back in my head….
But broken crayonsstill paint so i will paint
ASHKIM” Tedd recalls
Tedd Josiah has severally said that he does not tell his story for sympathy but for it to be a way to encourage anyone. It might be hard for someone to handle loss but eventually, it will be okay.
He has raised Jay to be a very cute and sharp baby girl.