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Interesting and funny stories about former President Daniel Arap Moi


President Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi was the 2nd president of Kenya and will be remembered as one of the most charismatic politicians that Kenya ever produced. Some of the interesting facts about him on this Moi Day are below;

-His name Toroitich means “welcome home the cattle”.

-He loves eating boiled green maize for breakfast with either porridge or tea.

-He does not take alcohol and influenced those around him while in power not to drink in his presence.

-He has a photographic memory and during his rule would call any DC or PC without referring to any phone book.

-He spends close to Sh10 million every year on philanthropy.

-He likes fast driving and while on his meet-the-people tour he would enjoy it when his driver floored the accelerator.

-Ensured that he was featured in all news broadcasts-He ensured that his name was mentioned in each and every news broadcast aired on the national broadcaster making it a norm for every session to start with ”Mtukufu Rais”.

-Ruled without a Vice President for a whole year-In 1998, Moi left the nation without a Vice President for 14 months after sacking Professor George Saitoti but the prof got his job back after a public outcry.

-Was as generous as William Ruto-He was known for his generosity and on several incidents dished out money publicly. Moi’s presence was always felt and cherished as it always had a happy ending.

He was denied a chance to join Alliance High School in 1945 by the colonial administration and was instead sent to a teachers college.

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