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Pastor Ng’ang’a Takes Gospel Industry by Storm With New Hit Song

, Pastor Ng’ang’a Takes Gospel Industry by Storm With New Hit Song – Daily Active

Controversial Neno Evangelism Ministry founder Pastor James Maina Ng’ang’a has been hitting the headlines for all wrong reasons.
From raining insults to his bishops in the church to performing bizarre miracles.
However with all the scandals, Pastor Ng’ang’a has long remained a source of inspiration among his flock for his commitment to the work of God.
Today, the self-proclaimed commander has shocked many after he dropped his brand new piece of inspirational /gospel music.
In his song, Neno’s founder narrated how his mum introduced him to the church at a tender age and told him to always trust and serve God no matter what.
, Pastor Ng’ang’a Takes Gospel Industry by Storm With New Hit Song – Daily Active
“Mama yangu alinipeleka kanisani nikabarikiwe, akanifundisha kuwa hakuna mwengene ilatu ni Yesu Kristu,”Pastor Ng’a ng’a’s song chorus.
“Mama yangu aliniambia mwanagu usiangaike amini Yesu  Simba wa Yuda atakuokoa na nyumba yako”.
Pastor Ng’ang’a went on to narrate how at some point in his life he lost directions and he was forced to relocate to the neighboring country Uganda but reaching there, life was not walking in the park as he had expected.
“Maisha yangu iliharibika nikatamani kuenda Uganda, nilipofika Busia Kenya nilitaka kuenda Uganda,nilipofika Uganda nlitamani kuenda Nairobi, nilipofika Nairobi nilitamani kuona mama, nilipofika nyumbani kwetu nilitamani kuenda Nairobi,”he revealed.
All this time Pastor Ng’ang’a was trying to find himself but all thanks to the man of God he met in Uganda who turned around his life.
Man of the cloth, once narrated how his dark past which led him in prison was before he was born again.
Pastor Ng’a ng’ a ‘s song takes us back in the days were Kenyan Gospel artistes produced real gospel songs that contained the message that touched the souls of many.
Watch Apostle Ng’ang’a’s inspirational song.

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