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DCI Pitches Camp at Consolata School After Video of Vulgar Pupil went viral

Sleuths from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) pitched camp at Consolata School in Westlands over a video of a pupil from the school hurling obscenities went viral on social media.

The detectives from the Children’s Department are trying to establish what led the pupil to post the video threatening a schoolmate.

According to reports, the boy, who is said to be 12 years old, was summoned by investigators in the company of his guardians.

After the video went viral, some parents are reported to have gone to the school to seek explanations over the incident.

Videos pulled down

On Sunday the pupil in question pulled down the videos from social media and apologized over his obscene remarks.

“I know it wasn’t right for me to use the vulgar language and for that, I apologize. On my part, I know I overreacted and for that I’m sorry,” he said.

“To the public, to everyone, to the teachers and to Consolata School I am really sorry. I’m asking you to forgive me because parents are saying they want me suspended from the school,” he went on.

The videos received heavy criticism from social media with Kenyans.

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