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I broke his heart on his birthday-Joyce Omondi says about husband Wahiga

Joyce Omondi

oyce Omondi has been blessed with a man who not only adores her but also went to great heights to get her to be his wife. Joyce recently spoke on Switch TV’s Chatspot show and explained how she made Citizen TV anchor, Waihiga Mwaura jump some serious hoops before he got her.
Mr & Mrs Waihiga

Joyce Omondi
But Waihiga wasn’t giving up and saw his approaching birthday party as a perfect opportunity to woe her. He decided to use the occasion to invite her together with her whole production crew to his birthday party.
The couple on the Crossover Show
The couple on the Crossover Show
But Joyce was still playing hard to get and didn’t attend his birthday. Waihiga (whose name means loosely means a rock) who was very disappointed still soldiered on. He went on social media to declare his love and this time he was successful because Joyce responded. She said,
Then my first song called conquerer came out and he started tweeting me publically, ‘my celebrity crash is Joyce Omondi’, then after that, I just responded, then I invited him to my birthday party, he came and that was the time we actually met.
Joyce Omondi

Waihiga had been smitten when he saw her on the Rauka Show and decided to pursue her with all his might. Joyce explained, “I started this TV show, Rauka, and he was impressed when he saw me and he told his brother.” She said that Mwaura was enamoured and went to great lengths to meet but she refused to give in to his desires.
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