Zari and Diamond are too complicated. For sure love can make you do a lot.
In Diamond’s song, Inama, he confesses that love is what has cost him his relationship with his children. He says he doesn’t get to see them and that their association has been reduced to likes on social media. So painful.

In the same song, he makes it seem like he has given up loving the wrong people and so he will only love those who love him. His relationship and association with Zari is very complicated.
Zari recently took to social media with a directed message. I believe it belongs to Diamond. She said,
Anyways what’s popping now that Ramadan is done. I see you getting back to your old habits, yes you
Let me explain why I think this is shade to Diamond. So when he was fasting we did not see him partying or even spending time with Tanasha other than the one time he took a picture with her.
According to the Islam culture, sleeping with someone you are not married to especially during the Ramadhan period is very ‘Haram’ (forbidden). So Diamond adhered to this and we even we saw Tanasha going back to work which means they were away from each other.
Now that the Holy month has concluded, Tansha and Diamond cannot get enough of each other and he is back in the club popping Belaire.

We have evidence -after he failed to perform at the TLF – of him parting hard alongside his girlfriend during the launch his new song, Inama at Gossip Lounge in Lavington Mall.
Are we on the same page now?
Zari then made sure she has given Diamond some advice before he wifes Tanasha. She wrote on her Facebook page saying,
MEN, when you marry a wife you marry her for yourself not for your mother. You should stop making your mothers shareholders in your marriages, your mother is your father’s wife not your first wife. You are making life difficult for your wives…
Is Zari inadvertently blaming Mama Paltnumz for the break-up of her own marriage? One cannot be sure but it is a well-known fact that Sanura Kasimu (Diamond’s mother) has a powerful say in his life.
If you are going to have a long-term relationship with Diamond, support (blessing) from his mother (and his sister Esma to an extent) is crucial.
Tanasha revealed that on her first meeting with her potential mother-in-law that she was so scared that she almost peed on herself!